About the Family Tree

Some things you should know about the Family Tree

As stated elsewhere, most of the genealogy information you see on this site comes from my tree on Ancestry.com. (You must have an account at Ancestry.com to see it.) Getting it here requires a sequence of steps. First the data has to be downloaded from ancestry as a gedcom file, then that file has to be passed through two different genealogy software applications on my computer. Then exported  (after specifying a number of conditions like the background, what to include and exclude, colors, etc ) as an html website to my hard drive then uploaded using an sftp software package on my computer to the server on my site’s host, then added to the website’s database. What you end up with is what you see below (as soon as it finishes loading…be patient, it’s a Big file. These steps of course have to be repeated every time I add or change anything on the Ancestry.com site.


On the Persons and Families tab on the Tree Menu  you will see the alphabet at the top of the list.  (The  “A”  list will be shown by default.) Select the first letter of the last name. That’s the only choice you get— the first letter of the last name.  The person (or family) you want to see will be on the list. Scroll down through the list (it’s in alphabetical order) to find what you are looking for. Not the best way to do it (for now) but it works. Every person’s page will show an abbreviated tree at the top and you can click on any of the boxes in it to go directly to that person’s page.

Last thing.

Take a look at Great GrandPa (my Great GrandPa)Silas’ file (Sylvan W. Perry) just to see how much information there is on anyone in the tree.   Scroll through the pages and see if you can find that one person who’s mother was only 9 years old when he was born…(obviously something is wrong there)…but with 3000+ individuals who knows when I’ll get around to investigating that. If you make it all the way to the last page (1600 something pages) in the index you’ll see that there are 1500+ foot notes in his file.


You will note that living persons’ data is limited for privacy reasons.

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