About Me

Are you sure you really want to know this?Read more

Site Status

This is where I post what I’ve been working on and information about what changes, updates, and corrections are in the works.Read more


This section contains information about the site and the necessary legal stuff.See content list in the sidebar.Read more

Genealogy Research

I think it may be instinctive in humans to be curious about where we came from and who we are. … My interest in genealogy is just another aspect of the human curiosity about where I came from and who I am. Until recently I never got actively involved inRead more

Write to me

The Comment button at the end of a page content can be used  to leave a comment, reply, or critique. If the comments for a page have been closed and you’d like to write to me use this form. It’s the best way to contact me. Also If you don’tRead more


This is the Home page for the Blog . The most recent posts are listed here and all posts are sorted into categories and listed on the section home page for that category.  Everything is also listed in the Achieve by date posted . RECENT BLOG POSTS:Read more

Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice  The Terms and Conditions of Use and CopyRight Notice  published elsewhere on this site are hereby incorporated and made a part of this Privacy Notice. Definitions of words and terms contained in those documents are applicable to this page. You may access this WEB site and use theRead more

Family Tree

Welcome to the Family Tree. This is the Family Trees Home page Read this page to see how to use the tree  and  then click on the picture below or  Family TREE Home page in the menu on the right to go to the Tree.  ,  (NOTE:  No personal informationRead more